Updated: Feb 2, 2023
Boulouki team and the Building Materials Laboratory of the School of Architecture of the NTUA invite you to the presentation of the Handbook on the traditional building techniques of Therasia and Santorini, based on the experience and knowledge gained from the restoration project in the underground settlement of Agrilia, in the context of the project Under the Landscape.
The dry-stone building and local building materials with lime and theran earth are thoroughly examined through bibliographic research, interviews with old craftsmen, field research, laboratory analyses and tests. The manual is available here.
The event will take place in the Laboratory's amphitheatre, on the 3rd floor of the Resistance of Materials Building, in the Zografou Polytechnic Campus (Athens). Starting time 18:00. The presentation will be followed by a short tour of the Laboratory's spaces. Alternatively, you can watch the presentation online at the following link: https://meet.google.com/ncd-kwkq-pgk
